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78 Howard St.


Faculty: Adam Hopfner & Laura Briggs | TF: Omar Martinez
Designed & represented in collaboration with Christina Lufkin, McKenna Sabon, Adimchi Atisele, & Collin Shearman

The form of the home is a simple L shape that consists of three distinct spaces, with generous thresholds forming the boundary between the two private units and the shared space in the center. These thresholds are both passageways and functional storage solutions, including coat closets, bookshelves, and media consoles, with the bathroom tucked away inside of them. The optimized cores become the “hearths” of each unit: the hearth as a symbol of one’s home was the inspiration to articulate everything the residents need in one convenient location. On the exterior, these hearth spaces are expressed through skylights that puncture through the roof, creating a sculptural beauty that carries through to the smallest detail of the home. As a home with two families, the space is configured to simplify the lives of the residents. Living rooms are placed near the boundary to the shared kitchen, while the bedrooms are placed at the far ends of each unit, providing necessary separation for each resident. 

Yale M.Arch I - 26
Kent B.S Arch - 23

Justin D Levelle